Wednesday, January 4, 2012

volcano eruption

Our first port was Hilo.

We usually dont do the excursions offered thru the cruise line but we werent thrilled renting a car and trying to vensure out by ourselves.
To my delight there were 3 other people with disabilities on the bus trip and they preboarded us ( without having to beg and ask) and sat us up front.

The bus excursion consisted of a tour of  Muna Lau macademia nut factory. OMG you could have left me there all day and I would have been a happy camper. I love macademia nuts.
But the main attraction was the volcano.

Our bus driver was hilarious. Telling lots of stories, most of which were probably not true, but she was very entertaining without being obnoxious.

She told wonderful stories of Pele, the goddess, and the crops they now grow on the islands. Lots of jokes, some of which my husband is still telling people.

We had a fabulous  time. The volcano and the laza fields were amazing. I'm ready to go back. It was one of the highlights of our trip.

The bus ride was beautiful. Through windy roads and amazing scenery.

tomorrow is our amazing day. Dont miss it !

Have a great day everybody ! Have a macademia nut ( but not from my stash) LOL


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