Sunday, September 27, 2009

Mark is on hhis way home

So after a long 15 hour flight ( something I don't know if I could ever do) Mark is on his way home.

He called from Chicago after trying unsuccessfully to get an earlier flight to Wisconsin.

The weather is turning bad. It is raining like crazy and the winds are really picking up so I am hoping he doesn't get stuck in Chicago.

The Packers won today. A good game to watch. However the Redskins lost to the worst team in NFL history. Detroit hasn't won a game since Dec 2007. That's 19 consecutive losses.
I am happy for Detroit. If there ever was a town that needed a win and a pick me up it is Detroit. So congrats. To the Redskins fans ( most of my family) sorry for the loss. I know it is painful.

I got so much stuff done today and I feel like I am paying the price now because I feel exhausted.
I got all the goodies boxed up for my adopted soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan.
I got my orders ready to go to the post office. Now when the sweatshirts are ready later on this week I will just have to send those orders.
I even transfered money from my Paypal account to my checking account. Always a good feeling when it looks like you are making money. haha !

You can now access the business from my blog. Remember I donate a portion of all sales to NMSS and MSF. Always have and always will.

I am still looking for crafters who want to sell their stuff on my site. Go to crafters corner to see what I have so far. With the holiday season approaching thiscould be an opportunity for us MS ers to show our stuff.

Sweatshirts are selling like hot cakes. Already had to reorder once.
thank you to all of you who have supported our business. We appreciate your support and MS organizations will benefit from your support.

Have a great day everybody.


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