Thursday, April 30, 2009

a very special kid

You all know how much I love to share stories about people who do something special for a person with MS.
Well, this time, I was the honored recipient of a very special little girl who did something for me and for all of us with MS.
On Sunday, our town held our MS Walk. One of my team members, Kaitlyn, who is ten years old, showed up with her mom ( who also has MS).
Both of them had the idea that they wanted to do the walk. I was very concerned about my friend being able to pull off three miles. I sat her down and told her I want to support you but please don't do this if you are not up to it.
It was pouring rain and well as we all know, rain tends to tighten your muscles even more.
My friend, Jackie, decided it probably wasn't a great idea for her to attempt to do the walk. Instead we decided to train together for next year.
Kaitlyn wanted to do it so we set her up with another team member who she knew ( thanks Nancy) and off they went.
They arrived back a short time later. Kaitlyn wasn't up to the walk that day. Ok, she hung with us.
She took control of my table and was such a huge help selling bears and shirts. A regular pro. I wanted to hire her on the spot.
I think she just needed to show her Mom she was willing to do so much to help find a cure for MS.
The moment that made me want to cry was when she told me she asked her teachers for donations. I'm not sure exactly how much she raised but I believe it was about $133.00.

Now that's a kid I want to salute. It will take the next generation to help find a cure for this hideous disease.
Good job Jackie on being a great parent. Kaitlyn has been thru a lot and I am very proud of her for dealing with alot of adult problems a kid should never have to deal with.
I am even more proud of her for her help with this MS fight. Even if she had just raised $10 I still would have wanted to cry.

My DNA parents, didn't make that effort or anywhere close to it. I never even got a phone call for support before or after the walk.
Thanks again Kaitlyn, you are my hero.


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