Friday, December 26, 2008

Just another snowy day !

This is a picture of our home. We put a yardstick (3ft) next to the snow piled at the end of our driveway. As you can see the pile exceeds the yardstick by about 2 ft.
Welcome to Wisconsin !!
Mark has been snow blowing and snow blowing the driveway and it just doesn't seem to be going anywhere. I don't know what we are going to do with any more snow. Maybe we should all move it to the park next to our home and make sledding for the kids.
We went to the mall today and did some after Christmas shopping. We weren't sure what to expect in the
way of sales and people but it really wasn't too bad. Both
of us really dislike the shopping thing. I did almost
everything online. I actually found gloves that match
my coat perfectly. Everybody commented about it while
we stood in line. They were marked $40.00 and I paid $6.00.
We also bought new sheets for our bed. Marked $140.00
and we paid $46.00. So the deals were there. We really didn't
need much.
All the parking lots were covered in snow and Mark had to drop
me off at the entrance because I couldn't walk in that much slop.
Slop, for those who don't live in snow country, is not quite snow
but just mushy slop. It is something you have to experience.
I think we are expecting more snow over the weekend. It is
not even good snow ball snow or snow man snow.
Have a good day everybody and please pray we don't get
anymore snow.

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