Wednesday, November 18, 2009

go away negativity

I recently noticed how many people in my life are so negative. Surely there is something in your life that makes you even a little happy?
If not, please just go away.
I, like all of you other MSer's, have our times when we just want to be left alone. Times when we feel awful but forced to put that smile on our faces. Times when our workload is too much we want to pull our hair out.
But even during these times we can muster a smile, a giggle, maybe even a hearty belly laugh.

Things have been crazy busy in my life lately. I don't have time to give up. I turn on my Ipod and sing. Of course, the dogs think I am nuts because only I hear the music. Which is the perfect example of something that makes me laugh. haha !

Dogs, cats, other animals, even husbands can serve this purpose of making a person laugh.

My dogs always make me laugh. The other day I was so happy I was almost caught up on laundry. I came into our bedroom to find one of my dogs licking the pillows on the beds. eeeew !
Double eeew !
Although it was gross, and it meant washing the linens, it was funny. It was downright hysterical to see a dog licking a pillow. Maybe his tongue itched?

Anyway, I always want to be there for my friends as I want them to be there for me but please call me when and if you are ever in a good mood.
I always am and I know that pisses several of you off. Cause as one of you put it "I am too perky"

Have a great day everybody ! Hug a dog, a pillow, a husband, a friend.
Don't worry , Be happy !It makes people wonder what you are up to. hahahahahaha !


1 comment:

Libby said...

cathy, my cat was drinking out of my mug of ice water last night while i was in bed...i thought it was funny...until i realized his tongue is also his toilet paper!!! ACK!!
come over to my blog, if you have a chance...